General Q&A
Q : What quality level products you are selling?
A : We only sell top-grade replica goods, best ones in the market considered as super replica grade.
Q : I see your product price is higher than other websites. Yours is better?
A : It depends on which website you compare with. There are some websites selling low grades, there are also some website selling way higher than our price. In fact, our price on high-end replica grade is in a reasonable market price range if you check and compare properly.
Q : It's very nice I can contact you by email, but sometimes I got no response. And sometimes late reply on email I sent?
A : Please kindly remember, we are in different side of our planet sometimes. Please refer to our time zone before you judge this. Our working hour is based on Chinese time zone. Sometimes we have overload emails to respond as well, please be kindly patient. But one thing for sure: you will get reply for sure.
Q : Are you a scammer ?
A : But I think you are asking a wrong person. If you suspecting a thief, and ask "are you a thief?", what do you think the answer would be? The best thing you can do is start making judgment from many aspects of the website, the profile, the updates, testimony, rep forums, people, or just risk yourself for a try. There are always some points you should notice if the seller is real or not. Also we are a sister company of JTime Watch which is a well-known replica watch dealer on all major replica watch forums for many years.
Payment Q&A
Q : What payment methods do you take?
A : You can visit our Payment Methods payment page to see more details.
Q : Can I pay you on arrival (COD)?
A : We can only arrange COD within mainland of China, you will need to pay an order deposit payment first and the total order amount will be 5% more as well.
Q : Can I meet you and see the stock and buy something in person? Because I lived in China / I often have a trip to China.
A : Sorry, we can not. I believe that you know we run replica business, which is considered a gray industry in China too and can be done only underground.
Shipment & Handling Q&A
Q : How long it takes for you to handle my order after payment ? Can you ship it right away?
A : Normally we will need 3-10 business day to handle your order before shipping because we need time to do a proper quality control process for each order. Please note sometimes factories will be short in parts stock or deliver a faulty product to us then we need to return to factories for a nice replacement, these factors could cause some delays sometimes. Please kindly be patient, and keep in touch with us.
Q : Will I get the pictures or videos of my order before shipping?
A : Yes, we will send you QC pictures and videos of your real product that we going to deliver to you. We will not deliver your order before we get confirmation and approval from you.
Q : Can I deny your QC pictures if there is something that I don't want to accept?
A : Yes, please contact us for further information if you have any questions about the QC pictures and videos. We will be glad to help you solve the problems.
Q : What is the best way to deliver to my country? Because I am afraid I will face custom issue.
A : Basically you can visit our Shipping Infos page. If you have some experiences of sending replica to your country safely, just let us know how you did, and we will just follow. If you don't have experience, we know exactly how to deliver your order safely to your country. Our shipping agents are very experienced at handling this matter.
Q : Do you provide any tracking numbers ?
A : Yes, we will 100% provide tracking number for every each order. However, you need to understand that sometimes we can't give you tracking number right away after we submit your package to the shipping agents. And when you received the tracking number, sometimes it hasn't showed up any status on the online tracking system yet, it will need a few more business days especially when we submit your package on weekend.
Q : I tracked my order and it seems there is no movement / strange status / clearance event etc. What should I do?
A : DO NOT CALL the logistic companies related to your shipment for any reasons. Contact us, communicate and just relax. Keep in mind, sometimes we use special shipping route to make it safe, and mostly they are slow. Do not panic, just relax, and contact us for any matters.
Q : Is there any possibility that custom will open or check my package ?
A : That is their job to check, but again they will only do general random check from million or billion packages they received every day. Most of the time we have no problems, just don't act to raised their suspicion. Contact us for any assistance.
Q : My package has arrived in my country, but they want me to prove the price, what should I do?
A : Simply contact us for this matter, usually they need a price and payment proofs. We will provide invoice of your package with any particular match amount with your package declaration. Just be calm and do not panic.