General Situation
As we know, all good replicas are made in China.
Sending replicas from China worldwide is a challenging work due to every country has different customs regulations about these goods.
But all of our orders will be handed over to very experienced shipping agents who are reputable for shipping replica goods safely to deliver to you.
We will send your order to our shipping agents every night upon receiving your approval of the order QC pictures.
The shipping agents arrange delivery daily except public holidays, and will decide which is the best way to ship and when is the best timing to ship to your country.
The tracking number will be provided to you by our team after our shipping agent update us.
Shipping cost varies with size of the order and which country to shipping to.
Triangular Shipping
Our shipping agents will be able to ship to customs sensitive countries by this method.
The package will be shipped from China then via a 3rd country/area like Hong Kong, Germany and Netherlands then finally to your country safely.
Please note this shipping method will take longer time than normal shipping route.
Customs and Loss Issues
We can offer you a free replacement if your first package got seized and confiscated by your country customs or lost during the transit before delivery.
The replacement will only be offered when we receive the official seizure letter from your customs or the tracking status stop updating online for the lost during transit.
The replacement will not be provided if the package got lost/stolen from your door/mailbox after delivery nor for subsequent customs seizure or lost during transit.